The Ugly Parts Of Pregnancy (noone tells you about)
Thirds Trimester Sleep Is Not A Thing.
Now every parent and every pregnancy is different but for me this is so true. You would think that being in your third trimester you would be tired enough to just pass out at night but that is sadly wrong. Third trimester sleep is something I wish I got blessed with everyday. I am 10 weeks away from having this baby and I am hot and cold all night, super uncomfortable, plus the baby kicks all night long. For all you moms that got any sleep in the third trimester… I am jealous of you.
You Will Have An Insane Amount Of Saliva.
Omg. The amount of spit I can accumulate a day is so terrible. Like I seriously feel as if I'm swallowing all day long and then to make matters worse I usually end up choking on it. Brushing my teeth also includes a lot of spitting. Yea. It's not pretty or fun.
The Gas You Get Can Seriously Kill Someone. Jokingly.
Who decided that not only should pregnant women be gassy but also that their gas smell like a smelly man who hasn’t showered in day. Especially this third trimester gas. No matter what I eat its here and it is terrible.
Peeing when you laugh is a thing.
Its actually pretty much peeing for everything. When you laugh, cough, and even stand up. The baby is just there pushing on your bladder and it has become such a hassle trying to control the flow. At least that might go away… right?
Those “Charlie Horse” Cramps.
I can honestly say that the legs cramps are a killer. Especially towards the end in your last trimester. Do you know how painful it is to feel like your muscle is about to rip apart? Yea me too.
Crazy Itchy Skin.
Can someone be there to scratch my back, my thighs and hips, and my whole belly? With the baby growing your skin stretching itching becomes a daily thing. Just make sure to stay hydrated and moisturized so it can feel better.
Bleeding Gums Are A Thing.
If you thought all the saliva in your mouth was bad. Imaging brushing every so lightly and your gums start bleeding. Yes pregnancy can make your gums bleed more than normal but that goes back to normal afterwards.
And although these may be the ugly parts of pregnancy after your child is here you tend to forget it all. So that may be why no one ever warns you about these terrible blessings.
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